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黑街gangsta漫画无删减免费观看(漫画全集)摘要: Chapter1:Gangsta'sWorldInthedarkanddangerousstreetsofErgastulum,crimeandviolencereignsu pr...

Chapter 1: Gangsta's World

In the dark and dangerous streets of Ergastulum, crime and violence reign supreme. Gangs fight for control, drugs run rampant, and corruption seeps into every corner. It is a city where the law is a mere suggestion, and survival is a constant battle.

Amidst this chaos, two men stand out. Worick Arcangelo, a skilled and calm strategist with a mysterious past, and Nicolas Brown, a deaf enforcer with incredible strength and combat skills. Together, they form the Handymen, a duo for hire who take on any job, no matter how dangerous or dirty.

Their lives take an unexpected turn when they are assigned to protect Alex Benedetto, a former prostitute trying to escape her dark past. As they delve deeper into the underbelly of Ergastulum, they uncover a web of conspiracies, betrayals, and secrets that threaten to tear the city apart.

Chapter 2: The Rise of the Four Fathers

Ergastulum is divided into four major gangs, known as the Four Fathers. Each gang is led by a powerful figure, with their own unique strengths and ambitions.

The Monroe Family, led by Daniel Monroe, is the oldest and most influential gang in the city. They control the police and have a tight grip on the government, using their power to maintain their dominance.

The Corsica Family, led by Ivan Glaziev, is a ruthless gang that specializes in drug trafficking. They are known for their brutal methods and are feared by both their rivals and the people of Ergastulum.

The Cristiano Family, led by Loretta Cristiano Amodio, is a gang composed mostly of women. They have a close-knit family structure and are involved in various illegal activities, including prostitution and smuggling.

The Paulklee Guild, led by Chad Adkins, is a group of Twilights, individuals with enhanced physical abilities due to a drug called Celebrer. They operate as mercenaries, taking on dangerous jobs for the highest bidder.

Chapter 3: Twilights and Discrimination

In Ergastulum, Twilights are both feared and despised. They are seen as monsters, treated as less than human. This discrimination stems from the fear of their power and the belief that they are a threat to society.

Despite the prejudice, some Twilights strive to live a normal life. They form their own communities, seeking solace and protection in numbers. The Handymen, being Twilights themselves, understand the struggles and dangers that their kind face.

As they navigate through the treacherous streets, Worick and Nicolas encounter various Twilights who are either trying to survive or fighting against the injustice they face. Their encounters shed light on the complexities and contradictions of Ergastulum's society.

Chapter 4: Unmasking the Truth

As the Handymen dig deeper into their assignments, they begin to unravel the dark secrets of Ergastulum. They discover that behind the facade of chaos and lawlessness, there are hidden forces manipulating events for their own gain.

They uncover a conspiracy involving the Four Fathers, the government, and a mysterious organization known as "Celestial Being." This organization seeks to control Ergastulum by exploiting the Twilights and their unique abilities.

With their lives on the line, Worick, Nicolas, and Alex must navigate through a treacherous web of lies and deceit. They must uncover the truth and put an end to the corruption that plagues their city. But in a world where trust is scarce and betrayal is common, can they come out unscathed?

Chapter 5: The Battle for Ergastulum

As tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Ergastulum becomes a powder keg ready to explode. The Handymen find themselves caught in the middle of a power struggle that threatens to tear the city apart.

With their skills and determination, they rally the Twilights and other marginalized groups to stand against the corruption and discrimination. A battle ensues, pitting them against the Four Fathers and their nefarious plans.

In the midst of chaos and bloodshed, alliances are formed, sacrifices are made, and the true nature of Ergastulum is revealed. The Handymen and their allies fight for a better future, where justice and equality prevail.

Chapter 6: Redemption and Rebirth

In the aftermath of the battle, Ergastulum begins to heal. The Handymen, having played a pivotal role in exposing the corruption, become symbols of hope and change.

Worick, Nicolas, and Alex find redemption in their own ways. Worick confronts his past and seeks forgiveness for the choices he has made. Nicolas, despite his troubled past, finds solace in the friendships he has forged. And Alex, having escaped her dark past, embraces a new life full of possibilities.

As Ergastulum rebuilds, the Handymen continue to protect the city from the shadows. They become a beacon of hope for the oppressed, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light.


In the end, Ergastulum remains a city plagued by crime and violence. But amidst the chaos, there are those who fight for justice and equality. The Handymen, with their unwavering resolve and unique abilities, continue to protect the city and its people.

Their story serves as a reminder that even in the most corrupt and oppressive environments, there is always potential for change. And as long as there are individuals willing to stand up and fight, there is hope for a better tomorrow.
